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Only the bookings ({{bookinglist.MyBookings.length}}) made post October 1, 2017 are displayed here
S.N. Reference No. Status Product Origin Destination Travel Date No. Of Pax(s) Total Price Booking Date
{{ $index + serial}} {{ blist.BookingID }} {{ blist.BookingID }} {{blist.BookingStatus}} {{blist.ProductType}} {{ blist.Origin}} {{ blist.Destination}} {{blist.TravelDate | date: 'MM-dd-yyyy'}} - {{blist.ReturnDate | date: 'MM-dd-yyyy'}} {{ blist.TotalPax}} {{(blist.Price * blist.ConvertionRatio) | number:2 }} {{blist.BookingDate | date: 'MM-dd-yyyy'}}

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